A Magical Day in Hoi An

Sunshine. Hallelujah! We spent the day enjoying the great food, visiting the cultural sites, shopping and people watching in Hoi An’s Old Town. Such a beautiful place. Pictures do not do it justice. The ochre coloured buildings were warmed by the sun. We relaxed with cups of delicious egg coffee. Many locals had set tables as if for a meal in front of their shops and were burning fake …

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Magical Lanterns for the Super Moon

Raining again. We hired a private car and driver to take us on the four hour drive to Hoi An with stops along the way. We turned off the highway and drove awhile down some dirt roads to Elephant Springs waterfall where people go swimming during better weather. It was a bit of a slippery walk over mud and rocks to get there from where the car was parked. …

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Tombs of the Kings

Another dull and drizzly day. We hired a car and driver to take us to the tombs of the past kings which are a bit outside of the city. Partway there our car was stopped at a police checkpoint. Our driver apparently didn’t have the correct paperwork and was fined 1,000,000 dong (about $55 Canadian). Our first stop was to the tomb of Minh Mang. The tomb is actually …

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Hue and the Forbidden Purple City

We arrived into Hue about 11:30am. John had a driver waiting at the station who took us to the Jade Hotel. This is our cheapest accommodation on the trip at $21 CAD per room per night including breakfast. The staff are super friendly offering fresh juice and fruit when we arrived. After a quick clean, we were ready to see the sights. Unfortunately it was raining, but still we headed …

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