Water Puppets, Egg Coffee and the Hanoi Hilton

It was dull and cool (high of 13 degrees) with a little drizzle today. Our first stop on our walk was the lake area. On our way to St. Joseph’s Cathedral I discovered an amazing artisan ceramics shop which was filled with beautiful blue and white pieces….I couldn’t resist. I love blue and white ceramics. I am still amazed by the everyday (for here) things that I see on …

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Rainy Day in Hanoi

It was a rainy day in Hanoi. We braved the insane traffic and walked to Ho Chi Minh’s Mausoleum. Uncle Ho as he was known to the people helped lead the revolution against the French colonial rulers and was the first president of Vietnam after they gained independence. We stood in line for a while before shuffling past his preserved body. We next visited the Pagoda located in the …

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Trekking Around Sapa

The view of the misted valley was stunning. We left to do the 12km trek with steep inclines and declines. Dong forgot the walking poles (which Cora had reminded him of twice the night before and once in the morning. He ran back and got a couple. And boy was I glad that we had them on the trek. We were quickly followed by an entourage of local women. …

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