Varanasi- India Magnified

Varanasi- India MagnifiedHello VaranasiIt’s 9am. People, vehicles and animals take up every square inch when we exit the train station in Varanasi after our overnight train trip from Agra. Beeping horns, revving engines, barking dogs and voices are nonstop. Welcome to Varanasi.Varanasi is the most spiritual place in India. It is has every aspect of India but magnified. Very intense.After loading our luggage and ourselves into three tuk tuks, …

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Taj Mahal at Dawn

The Taj Mahal at DawnOff to The Taj MahalWe are up at 4am and at 5:10, Garima wraps me in my sari for our special day – we are going to the Taj Mahal for sunrise.The girls in our group are all dressed up. Outfits and accessories were chosen days ago. Even the guys put some thought into their clothes, ie.  less wrinkled shirts.Our minibus drops us off at …

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White, Wet Sari Competition in Agra

White, Wet Sari Competition in AgraOff to AgraOn the way back from breakfast to our hotel suite in Abhaneri, I notice a peacock pecking at his reflection in the glass of Garima’s door. When I go closer, he hides behind a bush, popping his head out from time to time to see if I’ve left yet. I assume he wants to continue his romantic endeavors with his reflection in …

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Abhaneri and Puffing Granny

Abhaneri and the Puffing GrannyAdventure Time on the Local BusI’m walking up the many flights of stairs after breakfast and I notice a number of dead bees on the ground. I start counting them as I walk into our room. I’m surprised to see a man taking the sheets off the bed and I say “What are you doing here?’. He looks equally surprised and then I notice that I’m …

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