Day at Fontainebleau Palace

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A Day in Fontainebleau

The Stairway outside the front entrance of Chateau Fontainebleau


Throne room in Fontainebleau

Napoleon's coat and hat

A bedroom in FontainbleauToday we are doing a day trip to Fountainebleau. We take the Metro to the train station and grab a train to Fontainebleau. There is a short bus ride from the train station.

This is French Heritage Weekend, so the palace is free to get in. I am surprised that more The room where Napoleon signed his abdicationpeople are not here.

We do see a bride and wedding party.

The palace is impressive. We walk through many of the rooms and apartments which are decorated from different time periods. There are a lot of a smaller courtyard at Chateau Fontainebleauartifacts from Napoleon Boneparte. From the way they display his clothing, we can see how tall he actually was (not very). There are also lots of displays from the Louis, Francois, Marie Antoinette. There was a lot to take in.


          The Chapel in Fontainebleau An ornate hall in Fontainebleau

Chateau Fontainebleau from the gates

Lunch and the Ride Home

A Carrousel in the town of Fontainebleau

A Fish LunchWe have a leisurely lunch at a nice restaurant directly across from the palace. It turns out that the wedding reception is also taking place here.

The bus stop is in front of the restaurant. Driving through the town, we pass a merry go round.

The train is at the station so we have no wait. Once we get to Gare de Lyon, we get onto the right Metro at the station but unfortunately it’s going in the wrong direction. We get off at the next stop, turn around, and go back in the other direction. We get off at our correct station and get on our train. Once again right train, wrong direction. We get off and go in the correct direction finally making it to our neighborhood.

We stop in a charcuterie store, a few patiseries, a cheese shop and a wine shop (of course). We head back to the apartment for a rest and a supper of wine, cheese, pate and baked goods.

Saturday Night in Saint Germain des Pres

The Cute Cafe in St Germain des Pres

Kimberly in the Cafe at St Germain des PresIt’s Saturday night so we head into Saint Germain des Pres. The night is warm and the sidewalk cafes are packed. We find a really cute cafe, order some wine and people watch.

Click here for a quick video of the area.

We walk home past the Sorbonne and El Champo (movie theatre from an Emily in Paris scene) and the night market beside the Cluny.

Ahhhh. Paris.

People in sidewalk cafes on Saturday night in St Germain des Pres


A Candy Market stand by the Cluny at night


Part of Sorbonne lit up at night


El Champo Theatre lit up at night

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