Iguazu Falls, the Argentinian Side

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We were blessed with another beautiful, sunny day. After breakfast at the lodge restaurant, our taxi picked us up at 8am and took us to the Argentinian side of Iguaza Falls National Park.
The Argentina side has three main trails: the Upper and Lower Circuits and the third trail is the Devil’s Throat which is accessed by a train you catch within the park (no charge but you have to line’up to get a timed ticket both going to and back from the Devil’s Throat).
We started with the Lower Circuit which is better in the morning for photos due to the sunlight. The views were spectacular.- you get closer to the falls than on the Brazilian side though I think you get a better “big picture” view of the falls from Brazil. Unfortunately part of the Lower Circuit was closed due to a recent landslide.
Next we bought a timed train ticket to the Devil’s Throat which required us to wait an hour for our time slot (you can also skip the train and just walk along a path that parallels the train tracks). While waiting we ate lunch in the outside restaurant area where the local monkeys and coatis demonstrated their talents in begging for  and stealing food. There are posters up all over the park showing a bite mark from these animals and very unattractive, vicious looking pictures of them…kind of like what National Enquirer shows for celebrities.
After about a ten minute train ride, we then walked across a series of metal catwalks above the rivers that provide the water for the falls to a single spot where water from the rivers pours into a gorge from three sides – the Devil’s Throat!  Of course the area is packed with people and selfie sticks. Despite the crowds, it still took our breath away.
On our way back to the train we passed some neat birds, gorgeous butterflies and I even watched a toucan fly between islands.
After taking the train back to the central area, we realized that we would not have the time to hike the Upper Circuit before our taxi returned at 3pm so we had an ice cream and walked the trail to the exit. We were fortunate enough to spy a caiman in the marsh.
Upon returning to our lodge we had a swim in the pool and then drank wine and ate chips and chocolate on our balcony before going into town for supper.

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