Iguazu Falls, Brazilian Side and Bird Park

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Last night we returned to the hummingbird garden when it was open and it was well worth the visit. The hummingbirds were like little iridescent fairies flitting from feeder to feeder. There were other birds there to. Well worth the visit.
Next day we awoke to a beautiful, sunny morning. After breakfast at the lodge restaurant, we met our driver who took us across the border to the Brazilian side of Iguazu Falls. Fortunately the $100 US visa fee Brazil had been levying on Canadians was cancelled earlier this year.
You can also get to the falls on either the Argentina and Brazilian side by local buses which leave from the bus terminal in Puerto Iguazu. The buses are much cheaper but we opted for the convenience (and extra cost) of a private transfer.
Once at the falls entrance you buy you ticket (cash or credit card accepted) and hop on a bus which takes you several kilometers into the national park to the start of the walking trail. There were a lot of people visiting the falls but with good reason – they are the most spectacular falls I have ever seen.
Iguazu Falls is actually made up of 280 separate waterfalls with the tallest one being over 26 stories in height. It’s like a hundred versions of Niagara Falls thundering all at once.
A trail follows the river giving awesome views of  the falls. When you think you have seen it all you walk around the corner and see another set of falls more impressive than the last. 
There was a lady with a large umbrella taking up an area in one of the prime viewing picture taking spots. I was a good Canadian and showed restraint by not beating her with some other tourist’s selfie stick.
We took over three hours walking the trail  taking photos and just gawking.  You could not create a more beautiful combination of water and land than what nature has created at Iguazu.
Near the end of the trail the path turns into a walking bridge that heads out part way into the river. The mist and spray from multiple thundering falls envelopes you – just amazing!
After completing the trail we returned the same way by bus to the falls entrance. From the entrance it is a short walk to the Parque das Aves or Bird Park and the helicopter tour centre. The helicopter tours are $275 US per person for 10 minutes so we took a pass and went to the Burd Park. This park was awesome. It was educational in helping you to realize about the many endangered bird spieces of the Atlantic Rain forest area.
They had many aviaries where you could walk into them and get great views of the birds.  Among the many birds we saw eagles, amorous flamingos, toucans and of course the parrots and macaws.
Back at the lodge we rested up before heading out for supper.

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