New Delhi Tour by Tuk Tuk
Connaught Place
Today we are old pros using the subway. We are half an hour earlier than yesterday and it is jam packed.
We exit at Ravji Chowk station which is the stop for Connaught Place- on a map it’s like a large spoked wheel with roads radiating out and Connaught Place is the hub. Tuk tuk drivers and shoe shine kids accost us. I’m on guard for the poop squirters who squirt poo on your shoe when you are not looking and then offer to clean your dirty shoes. No poop squirters today…must be too early for them.

The Step Well, Parliament Buildings and India Gate

Back in the tuk tuk we motor down the Rajpath to India Gate. The Rajpath is a wide boulevard between the Presidential Palace and India Gate. The driver drives us around both sides of the n of the India Gate. The area around it reminds me of the park in front of the Eiffel Tower. Many locals are picnicking.
Humanun’s Tomb
Then onto the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Humayun’s Tomb. This site is not to be missed. There are actually many tombs in the large gardens but the tomb of the Mogul Emperor Humayun is the crown in the centre. Its actually the precursor of the Taj Mahal.
The graceful arches, beautiful carvings and artful scrollwork in the windows make this a truly spectacular sight. From the upper part of the tomb, I hear the palm trees whispering in the breeze.
A nearby smaller tomb is equally beautiful on a smaller scale…and there are not all the people to contend with.
I climb the platform steps. One of the double doors is open the other shut. As I get to the entrance the shut one slowly blows open as if bidding me welcome. Creepy but I enter. His and hers graves occupy the middle of the floor. The only sounds inside are the soft cooings of a few pigeons. Their wings make an eerie sound as the fly across the roof. One side of the doors blows shut. There’s an air of abandonment.
We visit a few more tombs before grabbing a tuk tuk to Lodhi Gardens.
Lodhi Gardens, Safdarjung’s Tomb and Back
Lodhi Gardens is another New Delhi must see. The park is filled with gardens, magnificent tombs, ponds, creeks, a fountain and birds. I especially love the green parakeets.
Many people are picnicking, playing cricket or just enjoying the scenery.
Some guide books tell you to get in and out of New Delhi as quickly as possible but I disagree. There are peaceful gardens and other treasures in this city.
I’m exhausted but we visit one more site on our way to the subway; Safdarjung’s Tomb. It’s gorgeous in the afternoon sun. We visit for a half hour before getting on the subway.