Reserva Natural Atitlan and Panajachel

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Reserva Natural Atitlan and Panajachel

A bright orange butterfly with open wings on orange flowers

Uninvited Breakfast Guest

A man at breakfast surrounded by forest

We are surrounded by forest as we eat breakfast at our hotel. As soon as our breakfast is served, the resident coati shows up, hoping for scraps. Click here for the video.

Hiking the Reserve Trails

Kimberly and John on a long suspension bridge in the jungle

A man on a forest trail under a trumpet vineWe spend the rest of the morning hiking the trails of the reserve, climbing up and up and up. There are many suspension/hanging bridges. The rocking of the bridges freaks me out but I take a big breath each time and cross them.

There are waterfalls and an area filled with coatis climbing in the trees and on the ground but the monkeys did not make an appearance for us…that’s ok though, I am not a big fan of monkeys.

A Coati in a tree a tall waterfall

Chickens on the Alert

A flock of chickens all looking up

two chickens in the doorway of the henhouseThe reserve also has a chicken coop near the lobby visitors centre. I am highly amused when I see their reactions to my clucking chicken phone ring; they went from all happily eating to all heads up in high alert.





Butterflies Galore

A monarch Butterfly

The reserve’s butterfly pavilion is awesome. Gossamer wings everywhere I look. So lovely. I even see a monarch.  Click this link to see a video of the pavilion.

Afternoon in Panajachel

An I love Pana Sign with the lake in the background

Lake Atitlan with a volcano in the backgroundWe grab a tuk-tuk and go in to Panajachel. There are so many restaurants in town that I don’t know how they all survive. Prices in Guatemala are lower than in Canada but higher than I thought they would be.

We kick back and relax on the patio of a lakeside bar, enjoying the view.

There is not a lot to do in Panajachel. Mostly handicraft Volcanos in the background of a lake with the afterglow of an almost set sun behind themshops and restaurants. I check out seven different pharmacies, looking for blister pads but no one has them. Note to self: don’t go on a trip without blister pads.

We eat early and head to the waterfront for sunset.

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