Day 14- Phi phi to Railay- Wheels weren’t meant to Roll in Sand

Our last day on Phi Phi. We got some life jackets and snorkels from the front desk and went to one of the roped in swimming areas. We were going to swim right out to the reef but we were told that there was a chance that we’d be run over by one of the long tailed boats that frequently run through that area. Once in the water, we …

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Day 12 &. 13- Phi Phi Island- The Long Walk and Underwater Magic

Phi Phi Island is stunningly gorgeous. After breakfast at the resort restaurant on the beach, John suggested we go for a little walk to the Phi Phi viewpoint. We got on the path and followed the signs. The path weaved itself up and up and up. In some areas the incline was quite steep which took a lot of energy to climb in the heat. We saw lizards and …

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Day 11- Phi Phi Island- Paradise Pearl Bungalows

We left Krabi Town in the morning and took a ferry for two hours to Phi Phi Island. This is a beach island. At the pier on Phi Phi we left the ferry and then transferred onto a long tail boat for a 10 minute ride to our accommodation at the Paradise Pearl Bungalow Resort. The water is a brilliant turquoise and I noticed convict tangs swimming in the …

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