Hiking Mount Nemo

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In early March, John and I decided to do a hike on our own. The snow was softly falling as we arrived at Mount Nemo Conservation area.

The challenge of hiking when you have taken only one car is that you have to backtrack to where you parked.

The views from the cliff edge were gorgeous and much of this hike was along the cliff edge. The snow became heavier. For most of the way the path was fine but a few spots were icy.

At one part of the trail there was a strong sewage smell. I couldn’t figure out where it came from since we were surrounded by nature with not an outhouse in site. The smell lingered for a good 10-15 minutes of the hike.

We needed to stop and go back when we got to a steep narrow part of the path that was shear ice. John made it through on his feet. I got through by sliding down on my butt. When it came around to Molly’s (our dog) turn, she was having no part of it and we couldn’t reach her to carry it down. That was it, it was the end of the line for this hike and we returned to the car.

March 2 total hiked: 5.9km
Main trail hiked 4.2km
Total km of the main trail hiked 2019: 21.6km

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