Paracas to Huacachina- It is all Fun and Games till Someone Gets Hit in the Face with Booby Poop

Paracas is pretty when the sun is shining and there is no sandstorm. Everyone seems to have cleaned up the dusty mess which was left from yesterday’s sandy event. We had breakfast at the restaurant next door to our hotel. I am getting sick of eggs but am enjoying the retro 80s and soul music that they play all over Peru. Our first tour was a boat ride to …

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Lima to Paracas – Blown Away….Literally

We left our Airbnb at 6:15am to catch our PeruHop bus outside the McDonalds (yes they are here to) in Kennedy Park a short walk away   It was overcast and drizzly which is unusual for Lima. You see, Lima is the second driest capital city in the world; the first being Cairo. People say that it never rains in Lima, however it drizzled three times since we arrived, all …

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