Train to the Blue City of Jodhpur

Train to the Blue City of JodhpurTrain to JodhpurWe are up at 5:00am and off to the train station at 6:00am for a 7:00am train to Jodhpur. The train is not full so it’s easier to spread out. My tummy is a little off so I just have a banana and orange juice for breakfast.This time the train washroom is surprisingly clean but I still have issues with squat …

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Germany to the Netherlands

The alarm rang at 4:22AM. Graham and I quickly got ourselves together and speed walked to the train station where he got my ticket and helped me board the train to Frankfurt. I went to the airport very early because, as expected, KLM messed up my baggage reservation…again. I won’t get into it….for now. My flight was on time and I met John with no problem at Schipol Airport …

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Missed Bus and Dancing the Salsa

Our lodgings were comfortable. Unfortunately I woke to the sound of pouring rain… so I rolled over and went back to sleep. We left the apartment at 10:30 and stopped by a bakery to get a freshly baked pretzel and baguette to go with our yogurt and veggies. With breathless anticipation, I made my way to the Mephisto store only to find out that it wasn’t opening until 1pm….our …

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Planes, Trains and Automobiles to Heidelberg, Germany

Our flight was almost 40 minutes late. We had a great view of Toronto in the late evening sun. The Wow flights are pretty basic (you don’t even get water) but they got me to where I needed to go. I had no one sitting beside me on either flight which led me to question the effectiveness of my antiperspirant. I slept through both flights. I enjoyed the aerial …

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