Travel to Guatemala City

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Travel to Guatemala City

Graffiti in Guatemala City

Last Morning in Flores

a man sitting at a table with a coffee

tadpoles in the flooded roadWe have a leisurely breakfast at our hotel before walking to a really pleasant cafe and chilling place on the water called Cool Bean Cafe. Besides tables and chairs, it also has hammocks and games to rent.

I take one last look at all the tadpoles swimming in the waters of the flooded portions of the boardwalk. Click here for a short video.

Back at the hotel, we finish packing for our flight to Guatemala City. We are only allowed 20 lbs per bag without paying extra fees. Thank goodness for our luggage scale that we take on all our travels.

Flagging a tuk-tuk, we are at the airport in under fifteen minutes.

Flight to Guatemala City

A Tag Airline on the tarmac

looking down on the hilly jungle down belowThe guy at the Tag Airlines is very impressed with our packing skills; John’s case is 19.8lbs and mine is 19.9lbs.

John lets me have the window seat. It is really neat looking at the world below. I am especially amazed at seeing the tips of the volcanoes peaking out above the clouds.

clouds with the tips of volcanos seen above them

view from the plane window of Guatemala City

Guatemala City

John on the balcony overlooking Guatemala City and the Airport

A plane landingOur hotel in Guatemala City, the Barcelo, has a shuttle waiting for us at the airport.

We do not spend any time exploring Guatemala City because according to online sources, there are not many attractions and some sketchy areas. We just walk to a small nearby grocery store to get plane snacks and then to a nearby Pizza Hut for take out.

Sunset over Guatemala CityThe hotel is very close to the airport and John enjoys sitting on the balcony, watching the planes land. We also watch one final Guatemalan sunset.


Home Tomorrow

We catch our shuttle to the airport at 5am tomorrow. We will fly American Airlines to Dallas at 7:20am and then from Dallas back to Toronto.

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